I have been using this for about a year now and I can definitely say that this product love. I have combination skin and I sometimes get acne ( usually on my T-zone area). I might not have a lot, but I like to use this product as my exfoliator and as acne prevention.
This product is a cream type. It does not foam.. I was never a fan of cream facial wash before because I always thought that foamy facial wash leaves a much cleaner feel. But this is an exception, it may not lather up, but it does leave my face feeling clean and FRESH! I had to caps lock the word FRESH because I just love how refreshing it feels.

I would love to repurchase this product but sadly it's not available from where I live. :(
Great review! Why don't they sell this where you live? =( Can you buy it online? Great blog, btw. Now following. It'd be great if we could follow each other.
*Check out my giveaway:
maybe i should use this one.
I have the same problem as you.
Lovely blog.
Xx Liefs
@D.Sadie, sadly I think it's only available in the US. :( Will check out your blog! :)
@Mell, hope it works for you :)
ooohhh this looks like a great product! :) i also love anything that has a cool and minty sensation. <3
Ohh, I'm glad you like this product and it works well, but sorry to hear it's not easily available to you.
when u mentioned the word minty... i suddenly want to buy one for myself! lol! i'm currently using st ives invigorating scrub for my oily-combi face but i get this stingy feeling on my face lately so i stopped. i'll try this one.
Hope it works for you. Don't you just love minty products, they just feel so refreshing. :D
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