Thursday, February 10, 2011

January wedding!

Ok wait! I didn't get married! It was actually my cousin's wedding last January. Anyway, I used to be worried about attending weddings and other formal occasions, because I'm usually worried of who will do my makeup. But about 2 years ago (if I'm not mistaken), at my friend's wedding, my passion for makeup began. At first, I wanted to get a makeup artist to do it for me. But the makeup artists I trusted the most were already booked. I was afraid to try out other artists that I didn't particularly know because I'm afraid that my makeup would look clowny.. It happened before and I definitely do not want it to happen again. So yeah, I thought I'd just do it myself. I was scared at first because I've never put an eyeshadow my entire life. I didn't know how and was afraid of it. lol. But I researched and watched Youtube gurus do it. And that's where it all began. I wouldn't say I'm an expert now but I can say I learned. I wouldn't say my makeup is perfect but I can say that I can now do it without being afraid. Of course, I am aware that I still have a lot to learn.. I was pretty excited about my cousin's wedding because I can do my makeup again. So I thought I'd share a photo of what I wore that day and how I did my makeup.

For my makeup, I didn't really do anything crazy, I just did a neutral look with deep red lips. I just redid my makeup for this closeup photo because I forgot to take one that day. :/

As far as I can remember, these are what I used that day. Everything except for the Etude brow kit and my gel liner, which I forgot to include.

And here's what I wore that day. A black tube bubble dress and a pair of red peep toes. I love the colors black and red. I love matching them together. :)
I had to crop my friends away. lol.

And that's it. I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Happy Friday!

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