Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Purchase!

This should've been posted like yonks ago. But anyways, here are the stuff I got last June 12, 2009. During SM's Independence Day sale. So yeah, I went because I wanted to get VMV Hypoallergenics' Armada Face and Body Shield SPF 60. VMV do not usually put discounts on their Armada line but that day it was 10% off. The regular price is PHP 1,380. And I got it for PHP 1,242 (less 138). My Mom and my sister loves this product so I was really excited about it. Sad thing is , it didn't work for me. I got the same tiny red bumps around my nose and also on my chin. I guess it's a sign of irritation or something. *sigh*

Anyway, I also got Maybelline's Clear Smooth Healthy Natural Concealer in Medium Sand. I think it retails for about PHP 425. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I got it at a 10% off too.. I do not regret buying it. I love it. It applies on really smoothly and it doesn't cake at all. So I am a happy happy kitty! =) I saw their little makeup remover (I forgot how much, I think it's around PHP 395 and it's also 10% off) too and I thought I'd try it. It wasn't bad either. It actually works fine just like the L'Oreal Dermo Expertise one. I know I mentioned before that I didn't like L'Oreal Dermo Expertise that much but it's weird. I'll tell you about it on my next post.

I'm kind of in a hurry so I'll be back later with another post. Just an update with my current makeup removers. =)

1 comment:

  1. ohhh!
    new products..
    i haven't tried Armada yet but i always see it..
    kasi i haven't heard anything from it so i just always passed
