Saturday, May 9, 2009

Blogger Award

I haven't logged on my blog for a while because of the busy sched. And I was surprised to see that I received this:

Thanks to Thiamere and Soapaholic for giving me this award! =)

The rules are:

1. Take your award here

2. Put the logo on your post

3. Link the person who awarded you

4. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers

5. Add the links of those bloggers on yours

6. Leave a message for your nominees

Uhm I'm not really sure if I can still nominate people who have already been nominated, LOL. But I will anyway. =) So I am nominating Soapaholic, Thiamere, Donnarence, Chrissy, Zaniac. Sorry I can't make seven nominations, I am quite new here and I only know quite a few blog friends right now.. So yeah. =)

I will post again soon. Later!

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